Seller Policy Pages

HG Shop (HSN×Go Shop) Platform Service Terms

Account Management

  • Each seller account can only be owned and managed by one natural person. Account sharing, transfer, or proxy operation is strictly prohibited. If any violation is found, the platform has the right to immediately freeze or deactivate the account.
  • The information provided during account registration must be true, legal and valid. Using false or illegal information is strictly prohibited. If there are any changes, the information should be updated in a timely manner to ensure its accuracy and validity.
  • Once an account is created, except for the store name, the other main information (such as contact information, settlement account, etc.) cannot be changed without authorization, to avoid bringing inconvenience to buyers and the platform.
  • Please keep your account and password safe to prevent illegal use by others. Any consequences caused by improper custody shall be borne by you. It is strictly forbidden to use third-party tools for account theft, tampering, etc.
  • It is strictly forbidden to use false transactions, brushing orders, etc. to improve store indicators or rankings. Once discovered, the account will be permanently frozen, and the relevant legal responsibilities will be investigated according to law.

Product Listing

  • The product information and pictures uploaded must accurately reflect the actual goods, and exaggeration, false propaganda, or passing off inferior products as superior is prohibited. The platform has the right to require modification or removal of products that do not meet the requirements.
  • Do not publish any illegal, irregular, infringing or potentially unsafe products, including but not limited to counterfeit products, prescription drugs, prohibited products, etc. Once discovered, they will be immediately removed and the responsibilities will be investigated according to law.
  • Comply with the platform's product listing rules to ensure the completeness, accuracy and compliance of product classification, pricing, description, parameters, logistics and other information.
  • For products involving intellectual property rights, valid authorization certificates must be provided, otherwise they cannot be published to prevent infringement disputes.
  • Promptly handle buyer inquiries and complaints to ensure a good customer service experience and maintain the platform's reputation. The platform has the right to restrict the sales activities of merchants who engage in malicious harassment.
  • It is strictly forbidden to publish product titles, descriptions, etc. with false, illegal or unethical content. Once discovered, they will be removed.

Order Fulfillment

  • The platform requires sellers to complete delivery within 48 hours after the buyer places an order.
  • Ensure that the goods are delivered on time and safely, ship the goods promptly and pack them properly to prevent damage during transportation.
  • Provide thoughtful after-sales service, efficiently handle refunds, exchanges, etc., and improve customer satisfaction. For malicious return and exchange behavior, the platform has the right to restrict the sales activities of the merchant.
  • Maintain complete order records and logistics information, cooperate with the platform to investigate and handle disputes, and be responsible for the relevant evidence.
  • Comply with the platform's transaction rules and do not engage in any illegal, unfair or dishonest acts, such as refusing to ship, false delivery, etc.
  • It is strictly forbidden to use false transactions, brushing orders, etc. to increase sales volume or positive reviews. Once discovered, the account will be permanently frozen.

Intellectual Property Protection

  • Respect others' legitimate intellectual property rights and do not infringe upon trademarks, patents, copyrights, etc. In the event of a dispute, you should actively cooperate with the platform's investigation and provide the necessary supporting documents.
  • Protect your own intellectual property rights, apply for registration in a timely manner, and take effective protection measures to avoid infringement by others. For any discovered infringement, you should immediately notify the platform and provide evidence.
  • It is strictly forbidden to sell any suspected infringing products. Once discovered, they will be immediately removed, and you will bear the corresponding legal responsibilities. For malicious infringement, the platform has the right to permanently prohibit entry.

Violation Handling
The platform has the right to take corresponding measures such as warning, sales restriction, account freezing, deposit deduction, and payment deduction, depending on the severity of the violation. For seriously violating accounts, the platform has the right to directly terminate the cooperation relationship without providing any explanation.

For acts that seriously violate this service agreement, such as selling counterfeit and shoddy products, implementing false transactions, and seriously delaying delivery, the platform has the right to permanently prohibit the merchant from entering the platform and pursue their corresponding legal responsibilities according to law.

For actions that damage the interests of the platform or buyers' rights, the platform reserves the right to pursue the relevant legal responsibilities through legal channels, including but not limited to demanding economic compensation and publicly disclosing infringement information.

Fees and Settlement
Merchants may incur various fees in the process of using this platform's services, including but not limited to platform service fees, transaction fees, advertising and promotion fees, etc. Please refer to the relevant regulations published by the platform for the specific fee standards and settlement methods.

This platform agrees with the seller that for each completed order, starting from the order completion date (or the date when the buyer confirms receipt of the goods, subject to the platform's rules), the 14th day is the settlement day. Before the settlement day, if the order has no abnormalities (such as returns, refunds, etc.), the platform will settle the payment (after deducting the platform service fee, commission, etc., if applicable) into the seller's designated bank account on the settlement day.

In case of special circumstances such as returns and refunds, the platform will adjust the settlement amount according to the relevant rules and process it within the next settlement cycle. The seller should ensure that their settlement account information is true and valid to facilitate timely receipt of payments.

At the same time, the seller must strictly abide by all the rules and policies of this platform. If there is any violation, the platform has the right to suspend or cancel their payment settlement, and take corresponding measures such as warning, sales restriction, account freezing, deposit deduction, and payment deduction, depending on the severity of the violation, and reserves the right to pursue further legal responsibilities.

Merchants must ensure the authenticity and validity of their settlement accounts, and handle settlement-related matters in a timely manner. The responsibility for any unsettled or delayed settlement caused by the merchant's settlement account problems shall be borne by the merchant.

Data Protection and Privacy
The platform will take reasonable measures to protect the personal information of buyers and sellers and the security of transaction data in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

The buyer information collected by the merchant in the process of using the platform's services should only be used to complete the transaction and provide related services, and should not be misused or illegally transferred.

Merchants must comply with the platform's data protection and privacy policy, and ensure that their employees, partners, and other related parties also comply.

Service Changes and Termination
The platform has the right to make changes to the service terms, service content, fee standards, etc. at any time based on business development needs, and notify merchants through platform announcements or other means. Merchants should pay attention to and comply with the updated service terms in a timely manner.

If the merchant violates this service agreement or other platform regulations, the platform has the right to terminate or suspend the provision of services to the merchant at any time, and reserves the right to pursue the merchant's responsibilities.

The above terms are for illustrative purposes only, and the specific terms may be adjusted based on actual circumstances. Before using the HG Shop (HSN×Go Shop) platform, please be sure to carefully read and understand the latest service agreement.